Meldrath Majestic Mansion

MMM – Named 1 – Breakneck, Master at Arms (Breakneck Event)

Waves of trash mobs before you start the real event.

Event is spawned by opening doors.
Once a door has been opened on a wave its safe, and can always be opened.
Waves are progresively harder. Elites cant be mezzed, can mez troopers. First wave is 2 elites 2 troopers. Extra elite after 2 min and every 2 min after that, same on all waves. Wave 2 is 2 elites 3 troopers. wave 3 is 3 elites 3 troopers and wave 4 is 3 elites 4 troopers. When you spawn a wave, breakneck spawns as well, just have monks bards or knights aggro him, kite him when he charges ect, don’t tank him. Till you finish the waves.

Best bet is clear most of the zone, maze, glass hall upper and lower doors, then go up the elevator out the north door to breaknecks room then into the room with the tiki to spawn the rest. Once breakneck is spawned the elevators stop workin 1/2 the time.
Anyways spawn breakneck.


He rampages (hard) and ae rampages (weak). Hits for up to 12kish. Fully attack debuff him slow him ect before engage since rooted. His dps isn’t that bad, and you can let the MT tank him while your dps are on the adds.

2 elite adds every 10% of his health. Kite 1, kill them one by one. Move back on Breakneck.

Every few minutes he’ll charge someone like Hatchet in DemiPlane. Targeted people have to kite or run away from the raid, or they explode the raid.
Best bet is kill all the adds till ya kill like the 30% adds then burn Breakneck down and kite the last 2 spawns. Depending on your dps, you can burn at 50% 40% or 30%.

Breakneck is weak to slash.Breakneck runs very slow.
Activation of his “bomb” is when he catches the person.
If you got the DeathTouch emote, then run away from the raid and die. Don’t kill raid.
The rampage list will reset when the DT emote ends.

“…hoists an arm back” = DUCK
“…levels his horns at you” = Charge you ! Get DA from cleric or RUN, other people HIDE too ! Try to die in a corner.
“…pauses to catch his breath” = Breakneck stopped.
“…adopts a stationary stance” = Breakneck becomes rooted again. Tanks move back.

MMM – Named 2 – Tactical Prototype XVII (Battle Event in the chess room)

The chessboard have 12 yellows , 12 red , 12 green , 10 white and 10 black squares. Also have 12 drones.
At start of the fight, drones move randomly to the chessboard. They can be moved by 3 simply command :
/say right .
/say Left .
/say Forward .
Drones start to move to the chess board at 90 %.

PROTOTYPE STRATEGY (partial tips not to deflorate the fun)

Basically 3 stances, Aggressive / Balance / Defensive.

Red makes the boss flurry. Prototype flurries when a mob is on a red square.
If Prototype is in aggressive mode, everyone needs to back off. Tank needs to back away too and just get summoned, rinse and repeat till he switches back.

Green creates drones’ adds
Prototype spawns 1 add for every drone on a green square.
Move the adds yellow / white to avoid adds.
You need to move the drones to the called color, or more drones will pop on your raid. When adds pop , they pop from named and first player they rush isn’t the MT close to him, but the player who is moving the Drones at the Chessboard.

Blue cause an AE
6 levers have to be pressed to avoid a ae/effect but can only do 1 per minute.
For the AE, has to take care one VIRAL STUN, for VIRAL MEANS IT CAN SPREAD THE WHOLE RAID! Trigger for “a bolt of energy surges through you” .. this is a viral stun, if you get it you have a few ticks to move away from the raid. Wait it off again then run back in (the strategy that is used on the Sullon Zek raid)
A few random people will get that once in awhile.

White means balance fight

Yellow changes the prototype stance.
Prototype has 3 stances aggressive, balance and defensive. Each is like a warrior’s disc. Aggressive he hits for more, but takes more damage, and so on. Can change his stance by moving a mob onto a yellow square.


4 engineers pop at 75%. If you kill them, they repop.

MMM – Named 3 – Krond The longHorn (Bed Room)

Basicly way to do :

– Head to room Krond .
– Clean the 3 rooms at East of him .
– DPS him on bed till 95 % .
– Leave Tank 10 sec to build aggro when he awake .
– Burn him .
– Leave him when he move to racks ( ONLY WAR ALLOW TO KEEP HIT IT ) .
– Burn him etc etc .

During fight .
– Need 4 player Cmer ( that why the 2 first buff empty ) Bard is good for that .
– 4 Knights / Tanks keep watch out for 4 adds : block 4 mini to stop them from moving, if they stopped, no silence will be casted ; If you block them successfully, you will get a “knockback DD”. This DD is about 20% hp down (my hp is about 26k with full buffers). And then no silence AE happens near the named.

– Need 4 players for silence mob do msg (best will be no mana player like monk or rogue).

MMM – Named 4 – Seneschal Bargangle Tinkerson (Steam Stage room)

Event is triggered by agroing the Assistant outside the room. He runs in to where Geartop is on stage.

Phase 1
Kill Assistant first. and then Geartop. As stated previously he spawns tinytops every minute or so. Adds are stunnable but if you cannot Kill quick enough they power up and are no longer mez/stunable.

Phase 2
At 80% first robot activates. Kill it before Geartop goes to 60%.
At 60%, the 2nd one activates.
Kill 2nd robot and and kill Geartop afterward

Phase 3
After Geartops death Tinkerson comes into the room and rush on the stage. Let tank to bring into a corner and start dpsing.
It AERP hard, max melee range !
Around 50-60% or so on Senchal he will begin to overheat as well. Cold/Fire spell may not working when it goes overheat.
There are RED con and WHITE con mechanical gnomes about the room who are inactive.
Brownie spawns these. KILL those brownies! if your guild has a good dps, disc them if you are lacking dps!!
It is easier to kill them instead of kiting as when time pass…
Randomly they will drop off your target window. When this happens he is going to go activate 2 of these robots.
White con are mezable and MEZ THEM asap OR your raid will take a MASSIVE AE mana drain.
They are stunable and can chain stun those while you kill them if your guild rather kill them than keep them mez locked.
Red con can be snare kited or killed your choice.
If you are unfortunate you can get “UNCONTROLABLE” types to spawn. They cant mez and they cant be snared. If its a white con one it absolutely has to be burnt to the ground immediatly or face the massive mana drain which is enough to drain 18k mana in 1 AE.
The uncontrolable also hit harder and flurry. **Wipe here** if you didnt kill fast enough

Phase 4
Once your around that mess at 10% on Senchals life he himself will AE mana drain and its best to start a burn on him at 15-20%.

Adds will not be depop/deactivate upon Tinkerson death, kill the brownie makes event easier.

Secret of Faydwer – Meldrath the Malignant

This is a 54 person raid event located in Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion.

If you die in this event, a mob will spawn like in VTF event (DoN). Skeletons depop when the dead character is rezzed.

On one side of the room is an object that looks like a tombstone that is targetable and attackable. 3 groups must be assigned to attack his tombstone and burn it down as fast as possible and keep it down to as close to zero as they can. The tombstone regenerates health and spawns skeleton adds throughout the event. These skeletons can be mezzed but they have to be killed or you end up with LOTS of skeletons in the raid. Paladins are the preferred tanks for these skeletons and dps has to stop burning the tombstone down to help kill kill them.

Emote: “turns toward you” = run away from your raid
Thats a strong AE that focus on a target character. You need to kill the robot that snares you. Robot AE stopped when 30% health.

1- Engaging Meldrath / Killing his pet
Pull Pet single,DPS it. Med up and prep for MMM have everyone but MT & healers at the Tiki. Status ready to burn it down when MMM is pulled. After that leave 1 to 2 groups to keep it down. Rest go and kill MMM. There are some adds to deal with mezz off tank or kite.

2- Kill Meldrath / Kill the clockwork repairers
Once Meldrath’s dog is dead, you can begin to kill Meldrath. At 40% HP, 2 clockwork repairers spawn and try to repair Meldrath. All of the DPS focused on Meldrath has to switch to target and fast kill these repairers. If any of them reach Meldrath, they will heal him for 20% HP. From 40% HP until Meldrath is dead, repairers will pop and repop.

3- Breakneck Master of Arms, Brinda Sprocket, Krond The Longhorn, Bargangle Tinkerson
Pick them one by one. Krond is mezzable. Once All are dead MMM becomes active.

4- Meldrath The malignant
Engage MMM. Kill the robots as they pop. Burn down Stream Robot every time it pops. DPS MMM all the way.

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