Buying/Selling Taskadds (TA’s)

What are Taskadds (TA’s)?

– Missions in EverQuest are usually classified as “Solo” or “Shared/Group Tasks”.

– For Solo Missions; each individual player must get the task.  They cannot be given a “Taskadd”.

– A Group or Shared Tasks are usually started with 2 or more players.  Additional players can be added to the “Group Task” by a “Taskadd”.  There can be a maximum of 6 players in the task for Group Missions.  To Taskadd someone: /taskadd name

– Most of the Group Missions in the SoD, UF, and HoT expansions require a minimum level of 75 to receive a Taskadd.  Usually, you need to be level 80 to actually join the mission.

– You must own the current expansion to be eligible for a Taskadd in that group mission. (example: if you are trying to receive a Taskadd for “Welcome to my Nightmare”, you need to own the House of Thule expansion.)

– Some tasks require a group level average that must be met (i.e. group average must be 80+).

– As long as the minimum player requirements are met (usually need 2+ players in the task) and the mission is completed successfully; the remaining members in the task can get full credit, flagging for progression, and XP rewards.

Giving Taskadds Away for Free:

This is one of the fastest way to get some friends and build a name for yourself.  It will help the lower level guildies get flagged and caught up in level so they can share in some of the fun with the higher level groups.

Several members also swap tasks to help with flagging.  (Example: I’ll will Task you for “Welcome to my Nightmare” if you can Task me for “Fall of the Tae Ew”).

Buying Taskadds:


As a casual style gaming guild, it can be difficult for members to complete some of the more challenging missions.  Yes, players are allowed to purchase Taskadds for Flagging, however strongly encouraged to actually participate in the mission so they are familiar with the content.  This way we can help each other down the road.

Buying Taskadds for Progression Flagging just to collect rots in the end content is allowed, however not encouraged.  It is always recommended that players participate in all missions of the progression to learn the content in sequence as it was intended.


Yes, Players can purchase Taskadds as a means for Power-Leveling. Just be sure you are current with understanding your character and continue to practice your skill-ups.

Be careful not to advance to the end tier content before your character can handle the mobs.  Players who buy power-level and flag their toons via Taskadds before their character is ready to handle to content can make our Guild look inexperienced and immature. (example: If your Tier 4 flagged, however get 1-shotted, will discourage guildies and non-guildies from grouping with you in that content).

Pay Up:

Pak’Cafan members who purchase Taskadds from other players, however fail to follow-up with payment can be subject for removal from the guild.  We are an honorable guild and hold our reputation on high regards. 

Please be responsible, prompt, and respectful when purchasing Taskadds from other players.

Selling Taskadds:

This is always a sensitive subject for players.  Please sell “Taskadds” with caution and consider your guildies first.

Give “Free” Taskadds to your guildies for Progression Flagging First (if their level is appropriate to match the content).  It is strongly encouraged that Pak’Cafan members who are doing tasks to ask the guildies if any Main Characters or Main Character Box’s need the mission for Flagging.  As a family guild, we strive to help one another and keep a “pay-it-forward” mentality for other guildies.

Remember: As a casual style gaming guild, several of our members do not have the plat to afford tasks or the gear/time to complete a mission successfully.

– Consider grouping with your guildies before running a mission for Plat.  Many of the Pak’Cafan members need a group to run mission for fun or XP.  They can feel left out if boxers always solo the mission for the intended purpose of making plat.

– Consider running missions for plat during the low population periods (early morning/afternoon)  and get a guildie group for fun during the more heavily populated times.

– If you are completing an older content mission or a mission that no one needs for Flagging, yes it is allowed to sell the Taskadd.

– Understand where the Lock-Out is on your mission before selling the Task.  Lock-out is the point at which a player can no longer be added to your task.

– Be quick and efficient when selling Taskadds. Don’t make other players wait. If you are consistently slow on finishing tasks, it will discourage player from buying TA’s from you in the future.  It is always best to sell your tasks when you get close to the “lock-out” point.

– Only Sell Tasks if you are certain you can complete the mission with 100% success EACH run.  Do not attempt to sell a Taskadd if there is a chance that you will run out of time, if you do not have a balance group to finish the task, or if you are unfamiliar with the task.  It makes Pak’Cafan look bad if players make promises they can’t uphold.

– Swift action will take place on Members who repeatedly attempt to sell tasks, however consistently fail the mission.

– Be sure to get payment before completing the task.  Yes, there are players out there in the Land of Norrath who are deceitful.  It’s always best to keep an alt character parked in the Guild Lobby to collect payment before you finish the mission. Being a Multi-Boxer really helps with selling tasks.

Do not be corrupted by Plat.

– Everyone needs to make plat in the game to upgrade gear, cover mercenary expenses, and pay for tradeskills, but not be greedy and allow plat to define who you are as a person in the game.

– Players who refuse to group with others solely for the purpose of running missions to make plat are missing the point of the EverQuest and what it means to be in Pak’Cafan.

A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.Proverbs 15:27

Can I sell a Taskadd to a Guildie? The officers and I have many feelings on this matter.

Almost everyone in Pak’Cafan give missions away to guildies for FREE.  Selling Missions to your guild mates as a means to make plat can be a very sensitive subject.  Most Pak members with available taskadds will not accept any plat for their efforts.

We use a “pay-it-forward” mentality and help each other out.  If you receive a Taskadd from a guildie, be sure to help another guildie out in the near future.

– If a Main Character or a Main Character Box needs the mission for a progression flag – give the mission for free.

– Yes, it is allowed to run missions and sell tasks if the proceeds go towards the guild funds.

– Yes, you may post an advertisement in /guild chat if plat goes to the guild bank.  The amount is usually recommended as a “Donation” and not necessarily full price.  Guild funds will be used for helping guildies.  If players wish to pay full price or above full price as a donation to the guild funds, that is fine.

– No, you may not spam in guild chat for selling Taskadds if you plan on keeping the profits. If you want to sell a taskadd, do so in /general chat or /ooc in the guild lobby.  Do NOT overspam though. Excessive spam in general chat to sell a taskadd will discourage players from buying and make us look bad as a guild.

– If you attempt to sell a Taskadd in /general chat and a Pak member sends you a private message to purchase the task, yes it is allowed to sell it to them. Just do not actively seek guildies out for buying tasks.

Asking for Free Taskadds:

Before asking for help or a Free Taskadd:

At <Pak’Cafan> we are always willing to help, but we wanted to make a quick guideline so everyone is on the same page.

Over the past year, the officers and members have spent COUNTLESS hours assisting others by answering questions, doing tradeskill tasks, power leveling, J5 merc quests, and Progression Tasks. Our hard efforts defiantly were worth it, however often resulted in players taking advantage of the kindness in Pak and using it as a stepping stone guild to prepare for Raiding. After seeing this trend time and time again, it tends to separate us as a guild and cause the higher level players to hesitate when assisting the lower level characters.

– Please be sure that you “help yourself” – This means that your active in looking for a group (pick-up groups if need be), using your resources such as ZAM, and attempting missions (even if it results in failing) before asking for assistance or a Taskadd.

Do NOT constantly spam in guild chat on a regular basis that you are looking for a Taskadd.  We are not here to power-level or flag players who won’t devote the time in attempting a mission. “You” need to evaluate if your character can handle the content, learn the zone, organize the group, and give it a shot.

If you have honestly given a solid effort to completing the mission, however have come up short: Yes, you can ask for a Taskadd.  However, you need to volunteer to participate in the task. Also, do not be offended if the group doing the mission to Taskadd you does not want to drop a merc in order to complete the mission.  Yes, we always try to get guildies in the group, however there are times when a merc is needed to complete the mission because they are stronger than a lower level player.

Can I ask for free Taskadds in General Chat?

Yes, but It encourages the teenage trolls to flame you, can make us look bad as a guild, and you will almost never get a freebie.  Don’t waste your time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are we allowed to have a Mule that is Unguilded for Selling Tasks? Yes. As long as players are not in violation of the “No-Guilding Policy” it is fine.

Can I group with a guildie and sell the remaining tasks? Yes, however it is always recommended that you ask the guild if anyone needs the mission for a flag first.  Also, it is best that you split the plat income with everyone in the group since they are sharing the work.  This will also help a solo guildie earn some plat on a mission when they wouldn’t normally be able to get.

What do I do if I finished a mission, however the player never paid up?  See above; always collect your plat before completing a mission.

If I gave a Taskadd to a player and they were Link-Dead when I completed the mission, what do I do since they didn’t get credit? Accidents happen that are not the players fault.  Either return their plat or run another mission and give them a freebie.  Remember, your reputation as a Task Seller will reflect who you are as a person and who we are as a guild.

I want to buy a Taskadd from a guildie, but they won’t sell it to me? Some players in Pak’Cafan believe so strongly in helping our guildies, that they won’t take any Plat from another member.  Those types of members will most likely run that mission again for free if the player needs it for flagging. Please respect your guildies and their individual views on Taskadds.

What is the average value of a Taskadd? Anywhere from Free to 50k+ depending on the mission.

Can I get a Taskadd, Log, come back later and still have Credit? No, you must be logged when the final Chest is opened or the mission is completed. Otherwise you will not receive Credit.

Are there any bugs with Taskadds? Yes! If your character is dead or zoning, you may not receive credit. Be careful when the task is near the end.. ESPECIALLY if your paid for the task


Barbadis Grimstone <Pak’Cafan>
[EverQuest Shard: Guild Leader]
90th Shaman, 90th Ranger, 90th Bard

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